Thanks to online yoga classes, many enthusiastic yoginis were able to take a little break within their own four walls during the lockdown and leave everyday life behind for a few moments. This worked better for some and worse for others - depending on how many family members were at home or how much space was available. We were all the more pleased about the relaxation in the area of outdoor sports at the beginning of the summer.
During the OGNX yoga tour in Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Berlin, we were able to get to know many of you personally and get our circulation going during varied yoga and HIT hours. The 60 to 90 minute units in various public parks were led by our dedicated OGNX ambassadors Daniela, Julia, Pascale, Svenja, Jasmin and OGNX team member Elena. At this point, they deserve a big thank you again for the smooth implementation.
The participants were not only able to look forward to a free yoga class in the fresh air, but also to an exclusive Rise and Shine jute bag, equipped with an OGNX shirt, the current issue of the yoga journal as well as postcards and voucher codes.
The joy of the event was written all over the participants' faces and we were very pleased to receive positive feedback via email and social media. The positive response encourages us in our work and it is a special pleasure to give our online shop a face through your appearance and your interaction. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for your support.
And all those who couldn't be there this year don't have to be sad either. We will most likely repeat the event next year and hope that numerous yogis from other cities will appear.