Janosch Steinhauer

Janosch Steinhauer

The combination of focus, body mechanics, observation skills and experiencing one's own physical and mental limits are the things that make the yoga path so exciting for Janosch.

It's logical that these elements are also the basis for his lessons - but a pinch of humor, individual adjustments and targeted work with the students are never neglected.

Body work and the “bodymind” principle have always fascinated Janosch. So it's not surprising that his practice has its roots in the martial arts Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu before he was drawn to sport climbing vertically. An accident in the bouldering cave and the subsequent therapy phase brought Janosch to Ron Steiner and Heidi Jelic - and thus directly to Ashtanga Yoga.

“The world is colorful” is Janosch’s motto.

He draws his inspiration from his travels, self-organized workshops www.janoschs-turnstunde.tumblr.com , work at the AYInstitute Ulm www.ashtangayoga.info and the exchange with people.